It’s the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker of first-person shooters, delivering ridiculous with a straight face, Airplane! style. Bad dialogue and repetitive voice clips would completely kill most games for me, but there is no pretension here at all. I just described two things I despise in a game attempting to be taken seriously. That’s the power of overt, honest stupidity. “You’ll tell them that yourself!” he responds. “Tell them I died for my country,” one of Rex’s compatriots tells him during a moment of tension. The dialogue sounds as if it were written by a thirteen year-old me, more concerned with how cool it sounds than how much sense it makes. Michael Biehn sighs gruffly through the opening tutorials, eager to get with the killing and catchphrases.

It’s a game so honest about its stupidity you can’t help but love it. Oh, and the developers couldn’t resist the opportunity to scare the living shit out of me with an alligator.

The crafting system is gone (and good riddance), and the levelling system has swapped tattoo-based branching trees for straightforward level-based power upgrades. There are outposts to conquer, side-missions to complete for weapon upgrades, money to collect and animals to hunt. There’s the sweet-spot shooting (not too loose, not too tight) that helped push me to nominate an FPS - not my normal go-to genre - for game of the year last year. Where mutated gila monsters - the eponymous blood dragons - prowl the tiny island, seeking to make a meal of whatever flesh your cyborg body still possesses.Īs outlandish and garish as this tiny island is, there is always something there to remind me of Far Cry 3. Ubisoft has done great and terrible things with the game engine, transforming it into a nightmare world, where wild boars roam the purple plains, backs covered with neon graffiti. It was nice and novel for the first couple of hours, but I soon found myself yearning for the cloudy blue skies of Far Cry 3 proper. If a black light poster broke open a neon bar sign and inhaled its contents, this would be what the puddle of vomit around its corpse would look like when the police found him.